Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Week 11 Reading Diary: Goblins Twelve-Fourteen

So even though I already wrote my storytelling over Ryder's Twelve Goblins last week, I am going back through the Goblins I missed, and if one sticks out enough to me I'll probably go back and add it to my already ridiculously long story!

Goblin Twelve: Man, I must really be getting the hang of these. I totally predicted the wise king's answer. It was the Brahman who was responsible for his death. He should have been paying attention and noticed the snake venom falling into his food. I don't always agree with the king, but here I do 100%. This would have been a very good story to include in my storytelling post.
Was it the Hawk's fault for killing the snake?
Goblin Thirteen: This was a cool story, but it ended much too happily for me. It also raises some interesting questions which the goblin never even thinks to ask, like 'If the thief became reformed by Shiva's hand, is he still the same man the merchant's daughter fell in love with?" That would have been a much more poignant question than, "Did the thief laugh or weep?" The goblin's question ruined this one for me.

Goblin Fourteen (My favorite number): Again, I did not like the king's answer, though I understood it. I think the problem here is with the convoluted story in general. I mean, Moon's character isn't really necessary for anything other than ending the story in this sort of unsatisfying way. If Master-mind had pretended to be the Brahman's son and married the princess, now THAT would have been a great ending (in my opinion). Much more satisfying.

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