Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Week 9 Reading Diary: Jakata Tales Part B

Same format as last time:

The Wise and the Foolish Merchant: This one was . . . eh. The whole beginning bit was pretty unnecessary if you ask me. It should have started with the foolish merchant meeting the demon on the road. From there it was more entertaining.

The Elephant Girly-Face: Another flop. And this one had such a great name, I thought it HAD to be good. But it fell flat. I mean, it's essentially about an overly-impressionable elephant, which would be fine if that elephant actually did anything, but that's allll it's about.
What I imagine Girly-Face looked like
The Banyan Deer: Yeah! I liked this one pretty much from the first line. The imagery of a golden deer with jewel-like eyes was simply captivating. And then to see his sagely actions and selflessness, truly inspiring tale!

The Princes and the Water Sprite: This one certainly got the inspirational juices a'flowin'! Now, if I chose to write on this one I would have to change a lot. And I mean a lot. But the basic essence of the story really got me thinking creatively. The star, moon, and sun princes. The water sprite. The riddle. I may very well write on this one.

The King's White Elephant: That was hardly even a story. The elephant coexists peacefully with the carpenters. They have an idyllic setup. Then the elephant gets bought the greedy king. Then they live happily ever after. Sorry, what?

The Crab and the Crane: Ha! This story is like what would have happened in the Alligator and Monkey had the Alligator been smart about it. That Crane truly was a sly one.

Why the Owl is not the King of the Birds: Man, I realllly wanted there to be a good twist ending to this one. I just love the idea of all the birds meeting together to decide which species will be their king. Could make a great story. But essentially it boils down to the Crow calling the Owl ugly and flying off. What a let down.

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