Friday, January 22, 2016

Growth Mindset is growing on me . . .

I'd never heard of growth mindset (in so many words) but reflecting on my past experiences with learning, I feel like I've been employing this mindset for most of my life. I usually sought out challenges in elementary through college, taking honors classes whenever they were available. It's true that getting an A was always my goal, but I was never one of those students who calculated what they had to get on the final to pull out an A. I always did the best I could on the final no matter what I needed to get. My goal has always been 100%, and if I made a 100% on the last exam, then make that 101%.

For me, I am not satisfied unless I've improved. That was true in elementary school and that's true now.
Adorable yet poignant: source

That being said, I did find the way Dr. Dweck articulated these ideas to be enlightening. Those statistics on the schools in Harlem and the reservation, I mean wow. With results like that, I find it hard to believe her techniques aren't being implemented all over the place.

I can't wait to get some feedback on my writing so that I can start growing!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Grayson!
    I believe I have visited your blog before, which is why I chose to comment here and not on your introduction! I thought that the picture that you chose for this post was so cute! It is actually true though and it also is relevant when trying to get people to reach their full potential.
