Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Introduction, Writing about Natural Snow Leopards who Travel sometimes

I have never taken a class even remotely like this before, and I just have to say it is really refreshing to flex my creative side. I am a biochemistry major, so most of my other classes involve a lot of left-brain reasoning. I am good at that stuff, but I don't find it all that fulfilling.

Which is why I want to pursue a career as a write. Fiction writing is my passion. I'm currently editing my first novel, which is probably my proudest accomplishment. I'd love to end up as a video game writer, an often overlooked writing profession with a lot of potential in today's world.

I have a dog and a cat, Fitz and Moose, both of which were found in the woods while camping, which I'll admit is odd. Both of them have better manners than would be expected, and have turned out to be awesome pets. As you might have guessed, another one of my hobbies is camping/hiking. It's how I recharge my batteries.

Although I love my dog and cat, my favorite animal is the snow leopard. I really cannot articulate why I feel such a connection with these creatures, but I could watch endless documentaries about them (of which there are unfortunately few).
I mean just look at the awesomeness
One of my favorite memories was hopping the fence at the Oklahoma City Zoo (there were two fences, calm down) and having a staring contest with one. They are such special creatures. Every year I give a little to a snow leopard conservation group,  It would break my heart to see these magical cats (who are already endangered and experiencing population decline) go extinct.

I have not done much of it, but I love to travel. I am a part of that extremely narrow fraction of the population that loves going to airports. So far, the only other country I have been to besides the US of A is Bhutan, a tiny little country nestled in the Himalayas. That was probably the most amazing experience of my life. The people, the culture, the mother-freaking mountains; it was incredible.

Welp, that's pretty much me in a nutshell. Writing-Nature-Snow Leopards-Travel. Oh, and my middle name is "Hawk" because my dad's a falconer. We always had a pet hawk in the house growing up.

Anyway, can't wait to read up on everyone's blogs. See ya!


  1. Grayson,

    Nice to meet you. It sounds like you are quite the wild card. I am a Petroleum Engineering major, I agree with you that it is nice to work a different mental muscle every once and a while, but you clearly like writing much more than me. Good luck with getting your first novel published, I look forward to reading more of your work this semester.

  2. Hi Grayson,

    You have some very eclectic and cool interests. It’s cool that you have a passion for snow leopards, and that your dad is a falconer! If you ever go to Texas, in Fredericksburg there is a place called Enchanted Rock. It is a nice hiking and camping place. I haven’t been in years, but the hike was challenging. Congratulations on writing your first novel that’s a huge accomplishment. I wish you the best in your endeavors, and I hope you have a great semester.

  3. (Jessica Wylie) Wow, what a wonderful animal! One of the prettiest animal’s people will set their eyes on. It sounds like nature and animals have played a large part of your life and I find that is absolutely wonderful. Often times nature is overlooked and taken advantage of. Bhutan, sounds like an amazing place to visit. I have a serious case of wanderlust, so I understand the love of travel (even if I haven’t been to many places). Experiencing even the slightest bit of a different surroundings is beneficial to everyone’s learning process.

  4. Nice to meet you, Grayson!
    Congratulations on finishing a novel. What a huge, exciting accomplishment for this stage of your life! Judging by your other writing, I'm sure it's great. Be sure to keep us updated on the editing process! :)
    I also have never taken a class like this, but kind of in the opposite way; my major requires expression in a different artistic medium, so this class should be a fun challenge as we figure out how to be creative academics in a whole new way.
    Woah, I also like airports! I've mostly travelled within the US, so your trip to Bhutan is way cooler than anything I've ever done, but I'm with you in that travel is a seriously underrated endeavor.

    Best wishes for this semester!

  5. Oh wow, snow leopards — what a great way to greet new arrivals here at your Introduction, Grayson! And in the far northern part of India, way up in the Himalayas, I think there are snow leopards roaming, is that right? And how cool that you have been to Bhutan: wow!

    As for video game writing: I think that is a fabulous interest to bring to this class. There is a student in Myth-Folklore who let me know about a meeting I'll be putting in the announcements tomorrow, a game developers meeting on Friday for both writers and coders! You might be interested; here's her post: Carmen (Myth-Folklore); she wrote to let me know a correction - the meeting will be at 4:30-5:30 instead of 4-5 as it says there.

    I'm excited to see which way you will go with this class: I am guessing the awesome birds of Indian mythology might indeed be tempting. There's a beautiful book for exploring the animals if you are interested, by one of my favorite Indian writers, Devdutt Pattanaik: Pashu (he does the illustrations too!).

  6. Hi Grayson! First off I felt like this page could not have any more excitement and then you spill the news you jumped into the cage at the zoo and I about lost it. I feel like you live such an exciting life where as I live such a boring life. I am also excited because I have not taken a class quite like this one. I cannot wait to read more of your stuff and get to know you better.

  7. Let me start of by saying I can completely relate to you when you describe how you have never taken a course like this one. By the way you express your love for writing it is clear that you have a passion for it. I hope all your goals as a writer come true. Your images actually grabbed my curiosity and I looked up the cats on YouTube!

  8. Hi Grayson, it is nice to meet you. I must admit when you shared your memory of hopping the fence at a zoo, I immediately thought about an episode of Malcolm in the Middle where two of the brothers jumped into a tiger cage and they were stuck there for hours because the zoo administration had no idea how to save them! Anyways, I'm glad you had a better experience than that. Also, your trip to Bhutan sounds awesome. I would love to see any pictures you may have of the country or the mother-freaking mountains.

  9. Hi Grayson,

    I also enjoy Laura's classes because they're so different from what I usually take -- even though I take a lot of literature courses, they usually don't require this kind of creative play with what we're reading. Why did you pick Bhutan to travel to? It's not exactly most people's first choice when they think of where to travel.

  10. Grayson,

    So great to meet you! I too am more left-brained so this class is a bit different for me as well, but I need the extra practice. That’s awesome that you have are currently editing your first novel! Getting a head start on your career will pay off large dividends in the future. I haven’t researched snow leopards too much, but just looking at the pictures they look sweet. I think its funny you hopped the fence of the OKC zoo to look at them. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and best of luck this semester, Grayson!

  11. Grayson, I too think it is funny that you hopped the fence to take a closer look at the snow leopards. They are quite an impressive animal and are very pretty. Your trip to Bhutan sounds really fun and interesting, and I too wonder why you chose there? I looked it up and it seems like it is really interesting environment. Thanks for posting.

  12. Hi Grayson! Just finished reading your introduction and I agree with you that, I have not taken a class like that at all either. I also thought it was pretty cool that you are so into fictional writing. I hope your first novel is a success. I also find the snow leopards very beautiful creatures as well and that is great that you have a passion for them. It was great to read about you.

  13. Grayson, it's so nice to meet you and read your introduction. Might I say, I am surprised that you love airports. I have a hatred for airports and a tiny fear of airplanes. I think it's cool that you have written, and are editing, your first novel! I have never met anyone with such a passion for snow leopards, but my I add that they are beautiful cats. Also, awesome middle name!

  14. Grayson, I have never taken a class remotely like this before either, but I am beginning to really love its flexibility and the creativity that it forces out of us! I am already more confident with my writing skills. As an accounting major, I am partial to my left-brain reasoning as well, but that is great you want to become a writer. If you want to become a writer, why is your major biochemistry? Just wondering and nice to “meet” you!

  15. Grayson,

    Love the fact that you guys had falcons. I used to dream about having falcons and being a falconer myself. Also love large cats. I think they are beautiful. I used to pretend to be a ceetah as a child. :-) Also jumping the OKC Zoo fence is not the best idea but you know what, be adventurous!

    Visiting Bhutan would have been amazing. I so want to travel Europe and the Middle East before too long. Glad to see you want to be a professional writer. One day I hope to make it there too. One day… :-P

  16. Hi Grayson,

    Congratulations on completing your first novel. Hopefully this class will inspire you to continue writing. This is my first time taking a course like this as well. It is great to have a class with a little flexibility. You added a little excitement to your blog when you talked about jumping the fence at zoo. It sounds like you really like snow leopards. Good luck with your editing.

  17. Hey Grayson,
    Your blog page looks amazing. You are about to finish your novel, that is a great news. I wish you all the best on your novel. Climbing a fence in the zoo!!! That sounds interesting as well as dangerous at the same time. It is glad to hear about your help towards the animal that you love the most. I hope you get to experience more of what you love in Snow leopards.

  18. Grayson,

    Oh my gosh! MY FAVORITE ANIMAL IS THE SNOW LEOPARD, TOO! I have never ever met someone else who had that in common with me! One of my favorite memories is getting to see a tiny snow leopard cub at the Denver Zoo. They are heartbreakingly precious when they are little.

    I would also love to eventually pursue a career in writing. I spend my free time writing creatively, though I have yet to finish a novel—nicely done!!

    It was so nice getting to know you, and I hope your novel hits the best seller list!


    P.S. I told my mom you had a pet hawk growing up (she has a rabid interest in hawks and I knew she’d think it was cool) and she freaked out. She’s currently researching how to become a falconer.

  19. Hello Grayson!
    You seem very exciting! I cannot believe you decided to jump the fence at the zoo to see a snow leopard... How scary!! I especially enjoy your middle name, how fun. It just shows how passionate your father was; enough to pass on his love to the most rewarding gift in life (his child).
    Until next time!

  20. Hey Grayson,

    I have to say, the reason I clicked on your blog was because you have the same name as my brother! I'm actually in the Myth class. But after reading your intro, we have several things in common! (sort of)

    I'm a professional writing major, so I got to write my first novel last semester and I'm writing another shorter one now! My fiance graduated with a degree in biochemistry from OSU, and knowing both of us (who are each heavily inclined to our own talents and NOT the others'), I must say, I'm a little jealous of you. Josh is great at math and science, but the English language is practically foreign to him. I love reading and writing, and I'm a pretty good writer, but math and science are mush in my brain. So to be talented in both areas is impressive!

    I also love to hike and camp, although I don't get to do either very much. I also love to travel, and I have to say, I see what you mean about enjoying the airport. To me, it means you're going somewhere exciting! It's the same way I enjoy getting up at 3am if it means we're hitting the road early to drive across the country.

    Also, Hawk is the coolest name ever. Again, you're lucky.

    Nice to meet you!

  21. It is nice to meet you Grayson! I haven’t ever taken a class anything like this either and I have to agree with you that it is pretty nice to do something different. I am a petroleum engineering major so my classes are pretty left side of the brain taxing like yours. I also love to travel, but have only been to central and south America.

  22. So, I read your story first and now after reading your introduction, I can understand why your writing is so great! You definitely have a knack for fiction! Also, I like how you casually mention that you consistently had a hawk in your home growing up.... You might as well just go ahead and get yourself a snow leopard, too.

  23. Hi Grayson,

    I cant believe that I have not yet visited your blog yet. I think we sat next to each other in P-Chem II last semester. I had no idea you had aspirations to be a fiction writer. What is your novel about? Also, I really like nature documentaries too. I think the snow leopards made an appearance on the documentary series Earth or Blue Planet. They really are majestic creatures.
